"Our daughter has been not only enjoying the time with you and her peers, but she's been applying the techniques AND teaching them to her other tutors and her brother so that everyone knows what she is doing but ALSO so they can try them out as well! Her Wilson reading tutor (provided through our public school) is now using the breathing on the fingers thing you taught her! We are so grateful for you and you sharing your light!"
- Parent of student, 6th grade
"This workshop made me really think about how I felt and my emotions, seeing them more clearly now. I loved it and I want to learn more!"
– Andie, 10th grade
“I liked learning new ways to control my anxiety. I feel more educated and significantly calmer.”
– Jade F., 12th grade
“When you use the 5 questions, you find out what you need to change. And how your ego side can make you build a wall or barriers to what you want to change.”
– Anonymous
“My brain was moving like a mile per second before hand. I have ADHD was just taken off Adderall, so I have been all over the place all day. But this made my mind calm down.”
- Anonymous
“I thought this workshop was important to help me realize who I am as a person and allow me to understand how to take actions to help myself. You did a good job of telling stories that could relate to our lives”
-Kat, 10th grade